In our country against to fight and in the field new changes and to him against new measures
population corruption level
Moral corruption
Brilliant collars

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How to Cite
Davranov Ulugbek Mirzadavlatovich, Abdujabborov Islomali Umidjon ugli, & Eshimov Sulton Akhmadjon ugli. (2023). A New Method of Combating Corruption in Uzbekistan. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 17, 29–30. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/3380
- Uzbekistan " To corruption " of the Republic against about fighting _ _ _ Decision November 24, 2016
- Uzbekistan Republic President's Decision No. 4761
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- Uzbekistan Republic Decision of the President No. 2752 dated February 2, 2017
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- http://uz.m.wikipedia.org