

In our country against to fight and in the field new changes and to him against new measures


Corruption population corruption level Moral corruption Brilliant collars


How to Cite
Davranov Ulugbek Mirzadavlatovich, Abdujabborov Islomali Umidjon ugli, & Eshimov Sulton Akhmadjon ugli. (2023). A New Method of Combating Corruption in Uzbekistan. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 17, 29–30. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/3380


  1. Uzbekistan " To corruption " of the Republic against about fighting _ _ _ Decision November 24, 2016
  2. Uzbekistan Republic President's Decision No. 4761
  3. Uzbekistan Republic Presidential Decree No. 6013
  4. Uzbekistan Republic Decision of the President No. 2752 dated February 2, 2017
  5. Uzbekistan Republic Crime Codex
  6. '' Corruption and to him against to fight about terms and expressions explanatory Dictionary " Israilov ". It is a price and Gadoev Free
  7. http://uzmarkaz.uz
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