

In modern pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus, insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents, sulfonylurea derivatives, biguanides, α-glucosidase inhibitors, etc. are used. Most of these drugs are imported, expensive, and they have various side effects. Based on this search and pharmacological study of new hypoglycemic agents based on local natural raw materials of the republic is an extremely urgent task.


Diabetes mellitus experimental hyperglycemia natural raw materials Chicory


How to Cite
Askarov Osim Olimdjanovich, Khudayberdiev Khujamurat Isakovich, Sultanov Sardor Allayarovich, & Kholmatov Jasur Abdikhomovich. (2023). Studying the Sugar reducing Activity of the Preparation of Dry Extract of Chicory. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 17, 1–5. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/3336


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