

This article presents data on the influence of sowing period and norms of soybean variety "Madad" on the grain yield in the conditions of meadow-swamp soils of Tashkent region. According to the data, sowing of this variety early, in the period of 25.04-30.04 at the rate of 60 kg per hectare, was the highest indicator among the options, 32.3 c/ha. In this case, the additional yield from soybeans was 1.2-3.8 c/ha according to sowing dates, and 0.6-2.8 c/ha according to sowing norms.


Soybean variety seed plant


How to Cite
L.Kh. Dusmatova, & B.M. Khalikov. (2022). The Influence of Sowing Date and Norms on the Yield of "Madad" Variety of Soybean. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 13, 141–144. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/2674


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