

The term “thalassemia” refers to a group of autosomal-recessive blood diseases charaeterized by a decrease in the synthesis of one of two types of polypeptide chains of globin (α or β), that form a molecule of adult hemoglobin(HbA, α2β2). This leads to a decrease in the filling of erythrocytes with hemoglobin and anemia. In Uzbekistan, the birth rate with this disease is 10-15 per year. At present in the Republic of Uzbekistan, 184 patients with thalassemia are registered at the Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfuzion at the Dispensary.


anemia hemoglobinopathy thalassemia hemosiderosis


How to Cite
Zaynutdinova D.L, Qudratova M.F, Qo’ziyeva M.G, Muhammadaminova D.R, & Axtamov A.J. (2022). To Evaluation of Effectiveness of Chelatory Therapy in Patients with Talassemia. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 13, 145–151. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/2630


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