

"Algorithms for predicting measures to ensure information security based on the analysis of computer crime incidents", computer crime, its types and reasons for committing were analyzed. In Maskur's article, a network traffic analysis algorithm generated several time series between different sets of infrastructure as a result of short-term forecasting and monitoring. If each observed value does not exist within the confidence interval, such information is called a risk, that is, an incident


Computer crime use of banking services DoS attack hacking


How to Cite
Radjabova Madina Shavkatovna, Yusupova Surayo Muyasar’s Qizi, & Mehmonkhozhaev Azizbek Shukhratjon O’g’li. (2022). Analysis of Computer Crime Incidents. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 13, 113–116. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/2569


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