

In order to gain an active position in society in the new pedagogical thinking, an individual must have a number of qualities, skills and abilities. It is important to be enterprising, independent and active. Of course, at the same time he must have organizational skills. Students who acquire basic organizational skills in childhood, and then develop these skills in secondary schools and universities and turn them into organizational abilities, will play an important role in society in the future, will successfully lead departments and enterprises, teams. The article considers the formation of organizational skills in high school students as a requirement of new pedagogical thinking.


High School Students Organizer Organizational Skills Formation of Organizational Skills


How to Cite
Jakhona Karimova O‘ktamjon qizi. (2021). Formation Of Organizational Abilities in High School Students as A Requirement of New Pedagogical Thinking. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2, 175–176. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/228


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