

Climatic characteristics play a major role in influencing many diseases and viruses, including the Corona virus, as the study aimed to know the impact of climate characteristics (temperature, wind speed and relative humidity) on the spread of the virus and the increase in the number of infections through the entry of the virus into Iraq from mid-February from From the year 2020 to February of 2021, the research contained three topics, the first topic included:(Properties climatic in Iraq)The second topic contained(reality Spread virus covid 19in Iraq)The third topic included(comparison between elements the climate reality injuries virus covid 19in Iraq)And the study came out with a clear effect of high temperature by increasing the number of injuries and vice versa, and the effect of high relative humidity with a decrease in the number of injuries, and the effect of increasing wind speed between high and low during the four seasons, where the results of the statistical analysis showed (simple correlation equation) through the (Arab Statistical Processor) program IAPSS), with a direct correlation with temperature and an inverse correlation with relative humidity and a correlation between the direct and inverse with respect to wind speed in most of the results of the analysis, and the high injuries during the summer and the months of September and October of the autumn season, and the northern regions (Mosul) recorded the least injuries, followed by the regions The southern region (Basra) and the highest in the central regions (Baghdad), where there are overlapping reasons such as the increase in the population of the provinces of Mosul and Basra. Climatic characteristics play a major role in influencing many diseases and viruses, including the Corona virus, as the study aimed to know the impact of climate characteristics (temperature, wind speed and relative humidity) on the spread of the virus and the increase in the number of infections through the entry of the virus into Iraq from mid-February of the year 2020 to February 2021The research contained three sections, the first topic included (climatic characteristics in Iraq), the second contained topic (the reality of the spread of the Covid -19 virus in Iraq), and the third topic included (Comparison of climate elements with the reality of covid 19 infections in Iraq). The study came out with a clear effect of high temperature by increasing the number of injuries and vice versa.


Climate COVID-19 Iraq


How to Cite
Dr. Fatima Radi Sachit Al- Jabri. (2022). The impact of some climate characteristics on the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Iraq. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 10, 80–97. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/2183


  1. The central governorates (Baghdad) recorded the highest injuries during the study period, followed by the southern governorates (Basra), and the least northern governorates (Mosul).
  2. Injuries began to increase rapidly during the summer in June, reaching (11862, 2545, 188) in Baghdad, Basra and Mosul, respectively.
  3. The highest injuries were in the fall season in September, Baghdad recorded the highest, with 36,837 confirmed injuries.
  4. The number of injuries recorded a gradual decrease in Basra from September, October, November and December to January, reaching (9446, 5284, 2197, 897, 734) confirmed cases.
  5. The number of injuries recorded a decrease during the winter season (February) in Mosul, compared to the central and southern regions, reaching (595) confirmed cases.
  6. The results of the statistical analysis were shown through the (Arab Statistical Program).APSS), the presence of a link