

Сulture is a "living" category, whose development is directly related to the development of society. In this regard, the content of the socio-cultural component will constantly change, enriched with new content. An integral part of the linguoculturological component is a specially selected homogeneous language material that reflects the culture of the country of the language being studied, as well as nonequivalent background vocabulary, non-verbal languages of gestures, facial expressions and everyday behavior. Non-equivalent vocabulary occupies a special place. It exists because it denotes national realias. Knowing realias is important when studying the culture and language of the country. The presence of a national-cultural component, which is absent in other languages, remains a constant sign of the belonging of words to linguistic and cultural material.


linguoculturological belonging linguistic material


How to Cite
Mirjalilova Madina Jamshid qizi. (2022). The Notion of Realia and Its Classification in Linguo-Culturology. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 9, 203–206. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/2075


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