the use of starter cultures as a factor in the formation of the quality of sausages has been studied; selected and substantiated doses of starter added to sausage mince; the change in the content of free amino acids in minced meat during sedimentation was studied; the influence of plant additives from pumpkin seeds on the properties of model mince systems was studied; the technology of production of boiled-smoked sausages with the use of starter cultures and food additives is given.
pumpkin seeds
model stuffing systems

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How to Cite
Tuxtauev Shuxrat Qudratovich, Mirxasilov Mirsaid Madorbekovich, Akramova Rano Ramizitdinovna, & Choriyev Abdusattor Jo’rayevich. (2022). Study of the Technology of Production of Sausage Products Based on Food Additives. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 7, 134–138. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/1257
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