This research aimed to explain the kinds and meanings of hyperbole and irony in the lyrics of Bruno Mars' songs using the Sari theory, because the phenomenon occurs very often in song lyrics, there are meanings that are not in accordance with our understanding if we do not know the meaning and purpose of the lyrics of the song. The researchers selected these Bruno Mars songs as the subject of analyzed because these songs are very popular among teenagers at this time and the songs also contain a lot of hyperbole and irony. The researchers used descriptive qualitative design by employing content analysis to answer the research question. The data were document that is five lyrics of Bruno Mars, song such as “It will Rain”, “Talking to the Moon”, “Grenade”, “Just the Way You Are”, and “Count on Me”. In data collection, the researchers analyzed the data based on the following steps: first, to identify the kinds of hyperbole and irony in the text of the lyrics of the song Bruno Mars, beginning with reading the transcript of the lyrics. Second, classifying the kinds of hyperbole and irony on the texts of Bruno Mars’s song lyrics. There are two types of hyperbole such as exaggerating numbers and quantities and three kinds of irony such as verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony. Third, identify the meaning of hyperbole and irony in the lyric text of Bruno Mars' song. And fourth, draw conclusions and provide suggestions. From the research, it is found that the lyrics of this song have 15 data containing hyperbole and 11 data containing irony. The total data type of hyperbole and irony is 26 data

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