This article explores the impact of lactose on the human body, focusing on lactose intolerance, a common digestive disorder. Lactose is a natural sugar found in dairy products, and its digestion relies on the enzyme lactase. The keywords for this study include lactose, lactose, lactose intolerance, dairy products, and digestive disorders. The discussion section highlights the significance of this condition and its dietary implications. In conclusion, we provide suggestions for individuals with lactose intolerance and offer insights into potential areas for future research
Lactose intolerance
lactase enzyme
digestive system
lactose maldigestion
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How to Cite
Tolibova Munisa Jurabek qizi, Bazarova Rushana Ilxomovna, Madjidova Inoyat Xafizovna, & Asrorova Parvina Shodmonovna. (2023). The effect of lactose on the human body. Texas Journal of Engineering and Technology, 25, 31–33. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjet/article/view/4548
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