Mature females and males of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) were overwintered, artificial reproduction using gonadotropic injections was carried out, eggs were incubated, larvae were reared from January to mid-April 2022 in closed conditions of a recirculated aquaculture system with a water temperature of 18-25 ° C. In April, fingerlings were transplanted into cages in the Tuyabuguz reservoir. By the end of October, catfish reached a body weight of 1.1 - 3.4 kg.
African catfish
Сlarias gariepinus
artificial fish reproduction

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How to Cite
N.E. Djumanova, G.U. Urunova, F.Zh. Utemuratova, & B.A. Mamatkulova. (2023). Maturation and Reproduction of African Catfish in Recirculated System in Uzbekistan Environments. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 20, 1–3. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjabs/article/view/4388
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