A field experiment conducted during 2021-2022 season at agricultural research station, College of agriculture, university of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq (30°39'28.2"N 47°44'31.6"E). The aim was to study the effect, partitioning of silicon dosage and silicon concentration and its interaction on grain yield and components for two Oat varieties (Avena sativa L.). The experiment include three factors, the first one is two Oat varieties (Shifaa and Ganzania). Second factor is partitioning of silicon dosage (once, twice, three times at tillering, stem elongation and booting stage). Third, one is silicon (SiO2) at three concentrations (0, 4, and 8 mM l -1 ). The total number of experimental units is 54 with a distance of 4 m-2 . The treatments arranged using split split plot arrangement according to the randomized complete block design with three replicates. Oat varieties were applied at main units, partitioning of silicon dosage was applied at sub plots and silicon concentration applied at sub plots. The results showed there is significant differences between Oat varieties, Shifaa gave highest, panicle m-2 , 1000 seed weight, grain yield, biological yield and harvest index by 492.8 panicle m-2 , 27.66 g, 2.952 t ha-1 , 10.000 t ha-1 and 29.38% respectively. The results revealed that, partitioning of silicon dosage has a significant effect on almost traits. Moreover, treatment of three time of silicon application as compared to one time gave significant increase in grain yield and biological yield by 6.92% and 3.64% respectively. The results indicated that, foliar application of silicon significantly increased almost traits that have been studded. Moreover, silicon concentration of 8 mM l-1 gave significant increment as compared to control treatment (0 mM l-1 ), on grain yield, biological yield, by 41.61%, 22.40%, respectively. Moreover, silicon foliar application lead to increase Si and Ki% concentration in plant, while reduced proline content. For the interaction, between Oat varieties and silicon, the results showed that foliar application of silicon lead to increased grain yield, biological yield and harvest index for both Oat varieties. Shifaa under 8 mM l-1 gave highest grain yield and biological yield by 3.487 t ha-1 and 11.166 t ha-1 respectively. In addition, Shifaa under one or two time of foliar application of 8 mM l-1 silicon gave highest biological yield by 11.441 and 11.331t ha-1 respectively

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