The toxic effect of sunset yellow (E110) were studied in albino male rats. Twenty albino male rats mean weight (75± 2 gm) were used and divided into two equal groups: 1st group (Control) group contain (10) rats feed on healthy pellet, 2nd group (treated group) contain 10 rats’ daily intake for 120 days by gavage (2g /1 kg b.w) Sunset yellow (E110) dissolved in distal water. Biochemical analysis of serum at day 60 & 120 of experimental by analysis catalase (Iu/mg), Malonaldehyde (MDA) (mol/L), serum Alanine transaminase (ALT) and Aspartate transaminase (AST)(Iu/l). Liver tissue were taken for histopathology changes at days (120) and stained by H&E and masson trichrome. Result showed significant decrease P
<0.05 in catalase & significant increase in MDA, ALT &AST in treated group at 60 & 120 days. Liver cirrhosis & granuloma with necrosis is the most impudent lesion in treated group.>

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