This article deals the types of deixis and their features in communication. In functional grammar emphasis the category of personality is a more significant part of categories, and it identifies with the methods of expressing the category of personality. In French language is characterized by the flection of verbs, personal pronouns and in the Uzbek language with suplektiv forms of the verb paradigm "bo’lmoq", and personal, possessive pronouns
category of persons
functional-semantic category

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How to Cite
Ishanjanova Munosibxon Saidahmadovna, & Kabilov Ulugbek Madaminovich. (2022). Expression Of Personal Deixis In Uzbek And French Languages. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 5, 140–143. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/917
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