Simple lectures, which are the teacher's hourly monologues, are no longer interesting to modern students. They are easily bored and express it openly. A university or vocational school teacher must now not only engage but also captivate the audience's attention. For these goals, cutting-edge instructional technologies are being developed.

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How to Cite
Eshimova Nilufar Nurmukhammadovna. (2022). Use of innovative methods in teaching subjects. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 5, 72–75. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/789
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- Negmatovna, A. D. (2020). Formation of Ideas About a Healthy Lifestyle in Teaching Children of Senior Preschool Age. psychologist, 7(5).
- Negmatovna, A. D. (2021). Improving the pedagogical conditions for the introduction of copyright technologies (on the example of the subject of pedagogy). World Bulletin of Social Sciences, 4(11), 17-22.
- Negmatovna, A. D. (2021). The System Of Introduction Of Pedagogical Technologies In The Didactic Processes Of Higher Education On The Example Of Young Psychology. Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching, 3, 12-16.
- Fayzullaevna, Y. D., & Negmatovna, A. D. The Role of Educators in Modern Education. International Journal on Integrated Education, 3(10), 180-183.