The main aim of this research is to find effective ways of modal verbs to secondary school pupils. As an EFL teacher we may face to few difdiculties while explaining grammar rules to the pupils. The main reason is that several items in English language are unlikely to Uzbek language grammar. Modal verb is one proof to this concept. The grammar of Uzbek language has not any notion like modal verbs. There are modal words, but they aren't verbs. Now let's look some techniques which should be used in teaching modal verbs.
modal verbs
grammar rules

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How to Cite
Komilova Nargiza. (2022). Modern pedagogical techniques in teaching modal verbs to secondary school pupils. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 5, 58–59. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/785
- Must – use exercises for teaching ESL modal verbs.
- https://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator-english/teaching-esl-modal-verbs-2/
- Teacher Tested Tricks to Teach Modal verbs
- https://m.busyteacher.org/7763-10-teacher-tested-tricks-to-teach-modal-verbs.html