The Covid-19 pandemic extensively affects the existences of Indonesian individuals, one of which is in the part of training. This pandemic has incited the public authority to give an arrangement with respect to the execution of learning in Indonesia, to be specific learning should be completed on the web or from a distance. This review means to depict the execution of web based picking up during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMP Negeri 1 Pancurbatu definitively in class VII A. This exploration has a place with the kind of phenomenological research, which portrays all types of activity and furthermore peculiarities completed by the subjects concentrated in this review. execution of web based learning. The information assortment strategies in this study utilized perception, meetings and documentation. The after effects of this review represent that the execution of web based learning at SMP Negeri 1 Pancurbatu exactly in class VII A has been done very well, understudies and instructors as of now have the essential offices required, it depicts the availability to carry out web based learning. In the execution of web based learning, the instructor has completed example designs and has done learning admirably, specifically utilizing learning media, techniques, strategies and learning approaches that are custom-made to understudies. Web based learning has adaptability in its execution and can urge educators to be more inventive in instructing, other than that understudies are expected to be more autonomous and roused to be more dynamic in learning. Nonetheless, web based learning has obstructions in its execution, shaky organization conditions and the trouble of understudies understanding learning materials are difficulties in web based learning.

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