This article will cover parsing and grammatical methods. The parsing of the text and its correctness play not the least role in the task of modeling and understanding natural languages. Non-fluctuative languages (English) are especially difficult, in which the spelling of a word does not always guarantee its unambiguous semantic or lexical identification
grammatical method

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How to Cite
Abdurakhmanova Umida. (2021). Review of existing methods of parsing and grammatical text analysis. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 3, 181–183. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/535
- Atamuratov, R. K. Historical fundamentals of creating a virtual-educational museum. The Way of Science, № 6 (88), 2021. 77-78.
- Atamuratov R.K., G‘ayvullayeva P.J. 3D PANORAMA AND ITS TYPES. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN XXI CENTURY. OTTAWA, CANADA 11-12.11.2021, pp. 447-450