Phraseological units can be classified according to their various features from the point of view modern linguistics. Phraseological units are divided into categories according to their etymological, structural-semantic, motivational level meaning, accordingly, which word group they are represented by in linguistic works. The fund of Uzbek phraseology is replete with national and borrowed, terminological and non-terminological units as phraseology in English language.
Phraseological units
motivational level meanin

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How to Cite
Shukhratova Zebo Shavkat qizi, & Makhamatkhujaeva Guzal Ulugbek qizi. (2023). Classification of Phraseological Units in English and Uzbek Languages. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 26, 16–18. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/4662
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