

This article is about teaching Russian more interestingly and effectively through storytelling. In this article it is spoken about the importance of storytelling method and several successful reasons of using it at the Russian lessons. There are lots of benefits of using stories in teaching children.


Interestingly and effectively grammar naturally practicing pronunciation translation


How to Cite
Sattarova Saodat Narzullayevna, & Ergasheva Dilnoza Muzaffar qizi. (2021). Learning Russian language through storytelling movies. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 3, 63–64. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/415


  1. https://pa-russki.com/stories-and-novels/russian-short-stories-on-line/
  2. Makhmudov, K. (2020). Ways of Forming Intercultural Communication in Foreign Language Teaching. Science and Education, 1(4), 84-89.
  3. https://www.repeto.org/courses/russian-short-stories-for-beginners
  4. https://realrussianclub.com/blog/learn-russian-by-watching-movies/

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