In order for a language learner to pronounce correctly, he or she must know the accents, rhythm, tone, which affects the content. The specific features of the German phonetic system are: Each vowel letter is represented by 4 different sounds, i.e. 6 vowel letters give 20 sounds or are pronounced; More than one letter of sound: 26 letters correspond to more than 30 sounds; the presence of diphthongs; [ai] [ao]
German phonetic system

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How to Cite
Nuritdinova Shoira Xamidovna. (2021). On The Influence of The Phonetic Laws of The Uzbek Language in The Teaching of German. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 3, 46–48. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/386
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