The role and significance of sacred places and shrines, which are one of the main pillars of the national spiritual heritage of the Uzbek people, in the upbringing of the younger generation are incomparable. This article reveals the shrines in the Khorezm region, which for several centuries have been passed down from ancestors to generations as a spiritual treasure, and their importance in the education of young people
great saints
Khorezm region

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How to Cite
Radjabova Nilufar Egamberganovna. (2023). Shrines of Holy women in the land of Khorezm and their educational importance today. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 18, 32–34. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/3512
- Akchaev F. Sh. The role of shrines in the education of young people (on the example of the Jizzakh oasis). "PEDAGOGICAL VIEWS OF ABAY KONONBOEV AND EASTERN THINKERS" (Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. October 16-17, 2020.
- Current archive of Khorezm region branch of Republican Center of Spirituality and Enlightenment.
- Sh.B. Jumaeva. THE SPECIFIC ASPECT OF YOUTH EDUCATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION. "Science and Education" Scientific Journal. August 2020 / Volume 1 Special Issue.
- Current archive of Khorezm Mamun Academy.
- Current archive of Khorezm Region Tourism Department.