

By introducing new educational standards, the requirements for educational outcomes are changing. The main task of the school today is to train people who can be successful in our world. Primary school is a very important stage in the process of a student's general education, in four years he needs not only to master the program material of subject disciplines, but also to learn how to study – to become a "professional student".


primary school high quality process student


How to Cite
Nazarkosimova Ozoda Sabir girl. (2023). Lexicology and Language. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 17, 47–48. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/3395


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  2. Weigand, Edda. "Language as dialogue." (2010): 505-515.
  3. Heltai, Pál. "Ready-made language and translation." Benjamins translation library 50 (2004): 51-72.