The article deals with the development and implementation of state education standards and curricula to teaching and educational process on the basis of competence approach. Such trends as competence, competitiveness and morality are considered as the main tasks of continuous education system. Moreover, the article describes modeling of monitoring the quality of education issues.
State education standarts

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How to Cite
Gulsara Mamazhonova Rafikovna. (2022). Implementation of State Educational Standards Based on Competence Approach as a Paradigm of Modern Education. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 8, 212–213. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/1794
- / kk, 50 / KB, US-53 / KB dated 08/15/2014 "On conducting experimental industrial testing of draft state educational standards and curricula aimed at creating competencies among students in the system of general secondary and secondary specialized, professional education" Numerical composition FAFI.
- A joint order of Tashkent State Pedagogical University No. 90-U (KB) dated February 23, 2019 and a joint order of the Department of Public Education of Tashkent Region No. 44 of February 23, 2019.