

This article examines the problems of translation and equivalence, especially cultural expressions that present national customs and traditions. Cultural terms usually cause fewer problems. This article describes in detail the national and cultural specifics of translating works of Uzbek classical literature into English.


Lexical item equivalence novel translation


How to Cite
Murodimova Fazilat Uktam Kizi, & Kilichov Bobir Khujakul Ugli. (2022). The problems of equivalence in the English Translation the Days Gone by Ilhom Tuxtasinov from Abdulla Kadiri’s Uzbek novel Utkan Kunlar. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 8, 154–155. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/1708


  1. Aliyev Ahmad. Abdulla Kadiri. T. (1997). “Gafur Gulom Publishing House”.
  2. Abdulla Kadiri. Days Gone By. T. Gafur Gulyam Publishing House of Literature and Art, 1984; and also Abdulla Kadiri. Days Gone By. T. UzSSR state publishing house, 1958.
  3. Abdulla Kadiri. “The Days Gone By”: Novel. Translators: I.M.Tukhtasinov, O.M. Muminov, A.A.Khamidov.- T.: “Mashhur-Press”,2017. P – 164.
  4. Abdulla Kadiri. “Days Gone By ”. - Tashkent: East, 2000. p - 59.
  5. Mahmudova Zebo. (1994). “The work inspired by national spirit”. Language and literature education. T. No. 4, pp. 26-29.
  6. Days Gone By. Abdulla Qadiri, translated by Carol Ermakova. Nouvtionseau Monde editions, Paris. 2018.