Hyperbolic semantics in a literary text is a strong aesthetic tool. R.O. Yakobson notes that the poetic (aesthetic) function of speech is associated with attention to the message for the sake of the message itself, when “a single word, turn, phrase begins to be liked or disliked, admired for its harmony, accuracy, deep meaningfulness, beauty” (Mechkovskaya, 1996: 21 -22). The aesthetic function of language is manifested not only in literary texts, but also in colloquial speech, in epistolary, journalistic, oratorical texts, in popular science literature.
Hyperbolic semantics
nuclear lexemes
lexemes half-light

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How to Cite
Khudayberganova Nazokat, & Khudayberganova Gulasal. (2022). Hyperbolic semantics and syntagmatic in fiction text. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 7, 201–204. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/1377
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