Zien Journals publishes open-access peer-reviewed journals in multidisciplinary fields. Zien Journals follows double-blind peer reviews to ensure the quality of published articles. Authors are requested to submit their original research for publication. Authors can submit their manuscripts through the website of the respective journal. In case of any queries contact us at: editor@zienjournals.com

Texas Journal of Medical Science
Texas Journal of Medical Science provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in Medical Sciences and allied field.
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Acceptance Notification: 45 Days
ISSN (Online): 2770-2936
doi Prefix: 10.62480
Texas Journal of Philology, Culture and History
Texas Journal of Philology, Culture and History provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in multidisciplinary field of Philology, Culture and History.
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Acceptance Notification: 45 Days
ISSN (Online): 2770-8608
doi Prefix: 10.62480
Texas Journal of Engineering and Technology
Texas Journal of Engineering and Technology provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in field of Engineering and Technological Advancements.
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Acceptance Notification: 45 Days
ISSN (Online): 2770-4491
doi Prefix: 10.62480
Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences
Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in field of Agriculture and Biological Sciences.
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
ISSN (Online): 2771-8840
doi Prefix: 10.62480
Acceptance Notification: 45 Days
Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices
Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices provides the opportunity to the authors and Educators to publish their original research articles in Educational Practices and allied field.
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Acceptance Notification: 45 Days
ISSN (Online): 2770-2367
doi Prefix: 10.62480
Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in Multidisciplinary field.
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Acceptance Notification: 45 Days
ISSN (Online): 2770-0003
doi Prefix: 10.62480
Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities provides the authors the opportunity to publish their original research articles in the field of social sciences and humanities.
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
ISSN (Online): 2769-996X
doi Prefix: 10.62480